Call For Expressions of Interest

The Gallery Of Human Migration Literary Award

Share your migration story and be part of the inaugural Gallery of Human Migration Literary Award.


The Migration Literary Award celebrates a shared odyssey, inviting voices to narrate journeys that cross borders, overcome barriers, intertwine identities, and weave a universal tale. These are stories that dwell within each of us, yearning to take flight, soaring into the sky in search of those willing to listen. Stories lived, stories heard, stories filled with possibilities; these and more are the stories of migration. Each one carries fragments of dreams for new horizons, the experience of turning unknown places into homes, and the enduring longing for what was left behind


The Gallery Of Human Migration (The Gallery) is thrilled to announce the inaugural Gallery of Human Migration Literary Award, a celebration of the transformative power of migration through storytelling. This award honours stories that explore the emotional, philosophical, and cultural dimensions of migration, fostering understanding and connection across communities.

Migration is more than movement—it shapes identities, strengthens societies, and enriches cultures. Canada, as a nation, is built on the journeys of its First Nations and those who have arrived from around the globe. The Gallery seeks to honour these narratives, particularly the foundational stories of Canada’s First Peoples and newcomers alike.

We invite writers, storytellers, and others to submit their Expressions of Interest (EOI) for participation in this inaugural award, sharing original, unpublished works in English that reflect migration journeys—whether of arrival, departure, or transformation.

Themes of Exploration

We encourage submissions that delve into one or more of the following dimensions, collectively referred to as the “4 Bs”:

  1. Beckoning – The call to migrate. What compels one to move? Is it hope, fear, or destiny?
  2. Beginning – The start of the journey. How does the journey redefine one’s sense of self?
  3. Becoming – Transformation through challenges. How do individuals adapt and grow?
  4. Belonging – Finding connection and creating a sense of home.
The 4B's of a Migration Journey: Beckoning, Beginning, Becoming, Belonging, with symbolic images for each stage.

Who Should Apply?

The Gallery of Human Migration Literary Award is open to:

  • Canadian citizens and permanent residents (including those living abroad).
  • Anyone who has reached the age of majority in their province/territory.
  • Anyone with a unique personal or ancestral migration story to share.

Why Participate?


Winners will receive custom-designed awards:

  • First Prize: A custom-designed sculpture.
  • Second – Tenth Prizes: Exclusive sketches of the sculpture.

Publication Opportunities:

Top ten entries will be included in a published compilation.


All submissions will be celebrated on The Gallery website.


Your story contributes to a greater understanding of migration’s role in shaping humanity, allowing a positive and culturally nourishing vision of migration.

Abstract white sculpture on a smooth dark background, featuring elegant curves and angular elements for artistic design.

General Overview Of The Guidelines for the Inaugural Migration Literary Award

Award Application Guidelines

EOI submissions will be reviewed, and selected participants will be invited to submit an application for the actual Migration Literary Award competition. Final Award applications must:

  • Be between 3,000-4,500 words.
  • Include no more than three images (JPEG/PNG, max 2MB each).
  • Adhere to the Gallery’s Content Submission Policy.

Judging and Evaluation

EOI submissions will be reviewed by The Gallery Board of Directors. While the final Migration Literary Award applications, will be evaluated through a different process incorporating a Selection Committee, a select group of readers and a selected jury. 

Stories will be judged on:

  • Creativity and originality.
  • Alignment with the “4 Bs” themes.
  • Emotional resonance and cultural insight.
All submissions adhering to The Gallery‘s Content Submission Policy will also be celebrated on The Gallery website.

Guidelines for Expressions Of Interest

To express your interest in participating in the inaugural Gallery of Human Migration Literary Award:

  1. Complete the submission form below.
  2. Include the Following:
  3. Complete Submission by April 30, 2025 at 11:59pm.